Addressing learning disabilities with UDL and technology: Strategic Reader. R 2 hr 4 min Jan 30th, 2009 Romance, Drama. In sum, the results provide promising paths for both curricular design and further research in the design of digital environments. Strategic Reader, finding many aspects of the tool differentially more helpful than their general education peers. Additionally, students with LD report to be both substantially more engaged by (and with)
#The reader cast Offline
offline conditions is especially large for students with LD: Only in the online progress-monitoring condition do LD students experience a statistically significant score increase. Get the details about Special - The Story Of a Mind Reader Cast & Crew, Actor, Actress, Banner, Music Director, Producer, Director, HD Photos, Review. The difference in score growth in the online vs. Using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, strong evidence is found that students using the online tool experience significant growth in comprehension scores.

The Strategic Reader using two treatment conditions for measuring progress (online versus offline). This experimental study evaluates the effectiveness of The Strategic Reader, a technology-based system blending Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) in a digital learning environment to improve reading comprehension instruction. Hall, Nicole Cohen, Ge Vue, and Patricia Ganley Publisher